A Business Plan Concept: 5 Proposed Themes and 15 potential ‘big ideas’ (PART 2)

Summary: 5 themes and 15 potential ‘big ideas’ for an initial CGIAR System 3-year business plan

Section 1. Strategy: Improving Strategizing and Planning

  • 1.1 Defining a planning landscape to 2030
  • 1.2 Optimizing the current portfolio
  • 1.3 Planning for financial viability

Section 2. Structure: Catalyzing institutional innovation

  • 2.1 Deeper System-wide cooperation and alignment
  • 2.2 Enhancing CGIAR assets and response preparedness
  • 2.3 Strengthened collaboration with delivery partners

Section 3. Processes: Defining and improving

  • 3.1 A program performance management framework
  • 3.2 A 5-point plan to improve System funding modalities
  • 3.3 A 4-point plan for an aligned assurance system

Section 4. Rewards: Securing a long-term funding base

  • 4.1 Reaffirm funder commitments
  • 4.2 Attract new investments to shared research agenda
  • 4.3 Stewardship, visibility and recognition

Section 5. People: Attracting, retaining and nurturing the best

  • 5.1 Embed gender equity in the workplace
  • 5.2 Operate according to best practice ethical standards
  • 5.3 Monitor metrics around an agreed people strategy

Interpretation note: The ideas listed within each of the 5 business plan elements above represent some of the key concepts that are emerging from consultations across the System. However, this does not necessarily represent the way in which each idea is covered in this document. As some ideas are more developed than others, individual ideas within each of the sections may be presented as a part of: a combined slide of ideas; expanded on a separate slide; or described across multiple slides.